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How to switch from synchronous to asynchronous meetings

Ben Larsen

So, you’re ready to make the switch to asynchronous meetings? Congratulations! You’ve joined a group of extremely smart workers, managers, and business leaders who realize the negative impacts relying exclusively on synchronous can have.

Of course, if you're not quite there yet, check out our recent post on the 6 questions to ask when considering a switch to asynchronous meetings.

But, if you've already determined that your team or organization is ready to ditch its reliance on synchronous meetings and introduce asynchronous meetings into the mix: now what?

How do you make the switch to asynchronous meetings?

We look at the move from synchronous meetings to asynchronous meetings in two ways. First, there’s the change from synchronous to asynchronous. Second, there’s the implementation of an asynchronous meeting platform like Asynchly.

Switching from synchronous meetings to asynchronous meetings

In truth, it’s easy to make the decision to switch to asynchronous meetings. The challenge is in how to switch.

Many teams and companies first try to hack together their own asynchronous meeting cadence. This starts with an exploration of cloud-based documents and tools to act as a communication platform; tools like Google Docs, a shared spreadsheet, or some sort of automated prompt in Slack.

Next, teams try to make their meetings fit into the capabilities of the chosen tool. For instance, teams that opt for Google Docs or a shared Microsoft Word document as their asynchronous meeting tool simply commit to a chosen time to write their contribution to the meeting or follow an agreed upon format.

The problem with hacking together your team’s asynchronous meeting process is that it’s difficult to scale. There is a lack of common language, the meetings’ decisions and results aren’t archived well or searchable in a way that’s helpful for long-lasting productivity.

While hacking together an asynchronous meeting process can work for a period of time, we recommend committing to an asynchronous meeting platform, like Asynchly, to run and scale your asynchronous meetings.

Implementing an asynchronous meeting platform

Implementing an asynchronous meeting platform like Asynchly is extremely easy.

Teams and companies seeking to switch from their unproductive synchronous meetings can begin by taking an inventory of just how many meetings their company or team is involved in on a weekly basis and what their objectives are. The reason we recommend taking a pulse on the meetings your company is to identify the meetings that are productive. While we’re enormous fans of asynchronous meetings, there’s no doubt that some meetings should remain synchronous. There is no hard rule here as it truly depends on the team.

Once you’ve got an idea as to what types of meetings and how many you’ll be moving to your asynchronous meeting platform, making the switch is easy. Here is a step-by-step process for moving your meetings to the Asynchly asynchronous meeting platform:

  1. Identify an account owner. This is typically a manager, coordinator, or a project manager type of team member.
  2. The account owner creates a team account by inputting all relevant information and inviting team members to join through an easy onboarding process.
  3. Your team or organization can now begin running your meetings asynchronously in Asynchly!

We recommend ensuring that, offline, your team coordinates who serves as the meeting owner for each respective meeting. Some teams opt for the account owner to serve as the meeting owner for all meetings while most choose to simply carry over the ongoing meeting creation rules (ie. if you have a need to meet, you set up the meeting, which means you’ll be the meeting owner.

That’s it. Like I said, moving your synchronous meetings to an asynchronous meeting platform like Asynchly is extremely easy. And, thanks to the even easier-to-use asynchronous meeting process made capable by Asynchly, your team will be meeting asynchronously — and enjoying all the benefits of asynchronous meetings — in no time!

Ready to make the switch? Sign up for our early-access list here.

Still wondering if your team or organization needs to make the switch? Learn about the 6 questions to ask when considering a switch to asynchronous.

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